Abstract Submission
All abstracts should be submitted in English with grammar and
spelling of quality suitable for publication (in website).
Instructions for Submission
- The abstract should be written in English, in single-spaced 12 point Times New Roman.
- Use A4 (210 mm × 297 mm) paper size with the format “.doc”, “.docx”, “.rtf”. Authors are requested to submit Abstracts (maximum two pages in length) in electronic form (MS-Word) via google forms available on the conference website.
- The abstracts should contain a title, followed by the authors’ full names and affiliations.
- The e-mail of the corresponding author should be provided. Presenting authors’ name should be underlined.
- The abstract should present the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References (tables and Illustrations are optional, but when insert, they must not exceed a half-page).
- The abstracts should be submitted for one of these thematics:
- 1) Development of Health Products
2) Monitoring of Health Products
3) Biology Applied to Health Products
4) Pharmaceutical Services
- All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website
- The scientific committee will select the best contributions for oral presentations on December 12th, 2024 (remote mode).
- The abstracts should use the Template provide by the Conference Organization.
Deadline: October 10th